Hello there! Welcome back to the blog! You might have noticed the change of title for this post, and that's because we are doing a major revamp of our less busy platforms. If you're interested in finding out what will happen or where we are with our projects, scroll to the update section below.
Ann's Updates
First off, we have finally upgraded the PC's hard drive. Everything is moving much faster on-screen, which means that we will be able to fast track our delayed projects. At the moment, I'm refining the characters for our new Fantasy Romance manuscript (see concept art below). Work on the individual chapters will commence next week. If we don't experience any further delays, the final version will be hitting the shelves some time in January 2023.
Ash Featherlight (Character Reveal & Concept Art)
I'm also looking into the third books for the Flutterfae Brides and Eternal Romances series. The novellas will be romance-centric and can stand alone despite being part of their respective trilogies. Any new info about these projects will come out on our Facebook page.
As for the first volume of fairy tale-inspired micro-fiction, you can now read the complete work by checking your newsletter for this season. In it, you'll find the direct download links to pdf and epub versions of the collection. You'll also get the discount schedule and book links to our novels for Smashwords' Summer/Winter Sale. For this year, many of our books will be available at 50% off for selected periods of time. If you have a title that you want to read but aren't receiving the newsletters, make sure to join the mailing list so you can grab them at their sale price.
July 1-10, 2022 Promo Poster Sample
The last but definitely not least significant update is that, from this point forward, we will release new blog posts and newsletters on a quarterly basis. They will come out on the first Sunday of each quarter: winter (January, February, March), spring (April, May, June), summer (July, August, September), and fall (October, November, December). We'll be using temperate northern hemisphere seasons for convenience.
It has come to my attention that most of our updates over the past year are simply reiterations of whatever project is in the works. To cut down on this redundancy and free up more time for other online platforms, I decided to switch to this new quarterly schedule. This means that instead of getting numerous bothersome write-ups of the same thing over and over again, you'll get more comprehensive news on what's been happening. This also means that each post or newsletter will have detailed updates, bonus content, exclusive giveaways, discount codes, and sneak peeks. I will try to add as much of these content as possible for each issue.
Ann's Recommendation
For the first time in a long while, I will be recommending something other than an anime series. I was going through my list of watched movies the other day and spotted the title of a Rom-Com called My Fake Fiance. It's been a while since I watched this one, but I still remember how much I like it.
I do not own the rights to this image. It was added as a supplementary illustration for the purpose of critique and information dissemination. (By https://www.imdb.com/media/rm3083964160/tt1319746, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=28715319)
This movie starring Melissa Joan Hart and Joey Lawrence is about two virtual strangers who pretend to be engaged. And they do it because they need those incredibly useful, incredibly free wedding presents! Along the way, though, they develop feelings for each other. You can probably guess what happens next, considering that this is supposed to be a light-hearted, cheesy romp. Even though this came out in 2009, I think that its fluffy, funny tone still holds up.
And there you have it! Thank you for reading through the first quarterly update of our revamped blog. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to shoot me a message on Facebook or leave a comment below. Thank you as well for sticking with me through these many changes and evolutions in our writing journey. I appreciate your support and well-wishes. I'll see you around in October for our Fall Updates!